Take a look at my current work!


Kompass is an easy to integrate, open-source monitoring tool for your Kubernetes cluster. Kompass combines an interactive dashboard of your cluster's structure, a suite of essential tools to monitor time-series data and alerts, and Grafana based dashboards to help users analyze those metrics in real time. Built with: React, Redux, TypeScript, Node, Express, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Grafana.


Wonderful Wunderpus is a web-based platform desgined for anyone who is looking for a job and needs a centralized place for tracking their job applications. Wonderful Wunderpus allows the user to create/log in to their account, view job postings fetched from Remotive Jobs Api, create applications, assign priorities to applications, update application status as they move through the pipeline, and delete applications as desired. Built with React, Redux, MUI, Node, Express, MongoDB.


A chef knives Ecommerce store. Miyaki is an iteration project built under 3 days with a team of 4 engineers. One of the challenges I faced was working with an existing code base that needed improvements in UI, a working shopping cart and user login functionality. Built with React, MUI, Node, Express, PostgreSQL.

React Weather App

Weather forecast application built with React JS, HTML and CSS with the use of Open Weather API. By applying the React Hook, useState, the user is able to switch between °F & °C temperatures. Lastly, by using Geolocation, we allow the user to see the weather conditions in their current location.

React Dictionary

Dictionary application built with React JS, HTML and CSS. Through implementation of both, Dictionary & Pexels REST API'S, the user can search for a word's definition, synonyms & related images simultaneously. Finally, with React Hook "useState", the user can switch between "puppy" & "kitty" themes.

Porto Caribe

Porto Caribe is a single page travel blog that higlights new and exciting spots in the Puerto Rican West Coast. Known for its beautful sunsets and beaches, the West Coast offers locals, travelers, and visitors alike an abundance of activities from places to stay, discover and feast to your heart's content! Built with HTML5, CSS3 & Vanilla JS.